Cut & Run: Make Art Then Die; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2012)
The Lion and The Lamb*; Two-Person exhibition with Carolyn Wren; Galeria Universal, Santiago de Cuba, (March – April, 2011)
Carolyn Wren et Tobey C. Anderson - Souvenirs / Remembrances*; Two-Person exhibition: curated by Suzanne Presse; Galerie d'Art du Centre culturel, de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Quebéc (Jan 12 - March 6, 2011)
Facing Rembrandt; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2010)
The New American Century Project; Grimsby Public Art Gallery; Grimsby, Ontario (Jan - Mar 2010)
Reflections, Two-Person with Alan Flint, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario, (June 2009)
The New American Century - Selected Work from the Permanent Collection; Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University (2009)
The New American Century Project; St. Thomas Public Art Gallery; St. Thomas, Ontario (Nov 15, 2008 - Jan 11, 2009)
Portraits of The New American Century; Fountain Contemporary; 652A Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario (Oct 23 - Nov 2, 2008)
Trilogies: 33 Years of Painting by Tobey C. Anderson; curated by Marcie Bronson; Rodman Hall Art Centre at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (Dec 22, 2007- Feb 24, 2008)
DU Babies_The New American Century Project; galerie CRAM; St. Catharines, Ontario (Sep 2007)
The New American Century Project; Niagara Artists’ Centre; St. Catharines, Ontario (Apr 29 - Jun 30, 2007)
The New American Century Project; Modern Fuel Artist-run Centre; Kingston, Ontario (Feb 21 – Mar 31, 2007)
Scratching the Surface: Media Wars - The New American Century Project ; Dennis Tourbin Member’s Gallery, NAC, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Sweet Jesus Suite; CRAM Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Tobey C. Anderson - Selected Paintings; curated by Liz Bierk, Showcase Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario (2006)
New Work; Jordan Art Gallery, Jordan, Ontario (October, 2005)
Tsunami / Relief (storefront painting installation); Created City project, Downtown Business Assoc., St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Shock & Awe Trilogy: New York City, Jerusalem, Baghdad (storefront painting installation); Studio of Acceleration, St. Catharines (2004-05)
Night Vision Studies; storefront installation, Every Day Studio Shop, St. Catharines, Ontario (2004-05)
The Seven Counties... (permanent painting installation); Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, (2003)
labyrinths (painting installation); Bierkart / 383 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario (2001)
illumination; Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario - illuminated light box (2001-04)
labyrinths (painting installation); Niagara Artists' Company - Main Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (2000)
New Work; Dennis Tourbin Members Gallery, Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (2000)
Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario (1996, 1998)
Modern Fuel Gallery, KAAI, Kingston, Ontario (1996)
The Garage, St. Catharines, Ontario (1996)
Quasi Café, St. Catharines, Ontario (1995, 1996)
The Club, St. Catharines, Ontario (1994)
Workscene Gallery, with Dave Gordon, Toronto, Ontario (1993)
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, Ontario (1992)
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego, California (1989)
Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1976, 1979*, 1981)
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario (1981)
Vehicule Art, with Dave Gordon, Montréal, Quebéc (1977*)
St. Lawrence College Art Gallery, Kingston, Ontario (1975*)
CT-International Print Bienniale, Galeria Universal (touring): Santiago de Cuba, Jan 2013; Galeria Collage, Havana, Cuba, Feb 2013; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Canada,Mar 2013; St. Thomas public Art Centre, Canada, Aug 2013.
Graphik II; International Print Event – group exhibition; Galeria 313, Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2011 – Jan 2012)
The Littlest Print Exchange; International Touring, CRAM Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (Jan 2011)
Graphik I; International Print Event – group exhibition; Galeria 313, Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2010)
Penang International Print Exchange; international juried, Penang State Museum & Art Gallery, School of Arts, USM (Sep 2010)
The Best of CRAM, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario, Jan 2010
Dos Grupos de Siete (+2) - group exchange exhibitions; organized by CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario and Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (April-May 2009), Niagara Falls, Ontario (Oct 2009)
CRAM Collective Banner Project; St. Catharines Downtown Association (Oct 2008 - 2009)
New! 2008 Niagara Biennial; Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (September 18 - December 30, 2008)
Snapshots; Capital Campaign fundraiser; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (Sept 2007)
Strutt - 7th Annual Wearable Art Show; Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
45 Years of Collecting: Selections from the Permanent Collection, curated by Marcie Bronson; Rodman Hall Arts Centre – Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Art Against War; Don Monet, Jamelie Hassan, Ron Benner Coordinators; Cube Gallery; Ottawa, Canada (2006)
Map – Quest; Studio of Acceleration - group project; Dennis Tourbin Members Gallery; Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
The Dirty Show; (Margaret Dragu, Juror); Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
CRAM Collective Inaugural Show, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Garden/City: Views of St. Catharines (juried); Public Art Advisory Committee, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Selections from the Permanent Collection; Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Niagara Ego Exposition Miniature Show (touring); Niagara Artists' Company (2004-2005)
Lilli-Putting; site-specific miniature golf installation; Niagara Artists' Company (2003)
On The Twelve – Niagara Region Juried Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2002)
Spring Run, organized by Niagara Artists’ Company & Lynnwood Arts Centre, Simcoe, Ontario (2001), Timber Village Museum Art Gallery, Blind River, Ontario (2001); St. Catharines Downtown Storefront project (2002); St. Catharines Public Library (2002)
Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2001)
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, Owen Sound, Ontario - Joyce Wieland, John B. Boyle, David Bierk, Panya Clark, Dennis Tourbin, Dave Gordon, General Idea, Tobey C. Anderson (1999)
Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (1980, 1990, 1992, 1996)
Modern Fuel Gallery/KAAI, Kingston, Ontario (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1995)
Grimsby Public Art Gallery – Regional Juried Show, Grimsby, Ontario (1991)
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego California (1987, 1988)
Confronting Cancer Through Art; Brand Library Art Galleries, Glendale, California (1987)
Iowa Artists Postcards; Iowa Arts Council, Des Moines, IA (1983)
Reflecting a Rural Consciousness; organized by Artspace; The Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris, France (1980)
Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1976, 1977, 1978)
SAW Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario (1978)
White Water Gallery, North Bay, Ontario (1978)
Harbourfront Gallery, Toronto, Ontario (1978)
Brampton Public Art Gallery, Brampton, Ontario (1978)
Hallwalls, Buffalo, New York (1978)
Boston Visual Artists’ Union, Boston, Mass (1977)
Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montréal, Quebéc (1976, 1978)
London Regional Art Galleries, London, Ontario (1975, 1976)
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario (1972, 1974, 1975, 1976)
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina Saskatchewan (1976)
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta (1976)
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, British Columbia (1976)
Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick (1976)
Confederation Centre for the Arts, Charlottetown, P.E.I. (1976)
St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1974, 1977)
Plug In Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba (1976)
The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (1976)
National Print & Drawing Exhibition (juried); The University of Illinois, Decalb, Illinois (1969)
Gadra Enterprises Inc
Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduaro", Santiago de Cuba
Penang State Museum & Art Gallery, School of Arts, USM
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre - Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Kirkwood Community College Foundation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Bierkart Foundation
Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
St. Thomas - Elgin Public Art Gallery, St. Thomas, Ontario
Tancho Investments Ltd., Kingston, Ontario
Peter Blaney & Sari Cross, Kingston, Ontario
J.G. Abrams, Toronto, Ontario
Sir Winton Churchill High School, St. Catharines, Ontario
Queen Elizabeth Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Kingston, Ontario
Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario
Ontario Arts Council, International Residency Grant (2011-12)
Ontario Arts Council, Visual Arts Mid Career Grant (2007)
Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance Grants
2005 Trillium Award for Artistic Excellence, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Volunteer Recognition Award - Culture, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2003)
Award of Merit, St. Catharines and Region Arts Council (2003)
1st Award, On The Twelve – Niagara Juried Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines (2002)
Ontario Arts Council, Individual Artist Grant (1980, 1992)
First Award, Regional Juried Exhibition, Grimsby Public Art Gallery (1991)
Iowa Arts Council, Artists In Schools project grant (1981)
Ontario Arts Council, Artists In Schools project grant (1980)
Purchase Award, Spring Show, Agnes Etherington Art Centre (1975)
John Boyle 1972 Nickle Award, Agnes Etherington Art Centre (1974)
Trinities: 33 Years of Painting, exhibition catalogue; introduction by Marcie Bronson, essay by Carolyn Wren; published by Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University; 2012
ISBN 978-0-9864955-6-4
The Lion and The Lamb; Galeria Universal; Santiago de Cuba (March – April, 2011) exhibition brochure with essay by Carolyn Wren, English translation by Iliana Ponce; CRAM International ISBN
Carolyn Wren et Tobey C. Anderson - Souvenirs / Remembrances; curated by Suzanne Presse; Galerie d'Art du Centre culturel, de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Quebéc (Jan 12 - March 6, 2011)
ISBN 978-2-7622-0192-5
Faces of the Fallen - Soldiers killed in action focus of GPAG exhibit, Scott Rosts; Niagara This Week; Mar 4, 2010
PRECIPICe, back cover illustration, editors: Gregory Betts, Adam Dickson, Mathew Martin; English Language and Literature, Brock University; Vol 16 Issue 2, 2010
The New American Century Project, exhibition catalogue, essays by Hayden Booth, and R.H. MacDonald, introduction by Rhona Wenger, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Jan 2010
ISBN 978-0-9780375-9-8
Dos Grupos de Siete (+2), exhibition catalogue, introduction by Tobey C. Anderson, essays by Steve Remus and Bandaranaike Torres Viltres; CRAM International, 2009
ISBN 978-0-9780375-7-4
The New American Century Project, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Canadian Art, Preview - Ontario; Spring 2009, Vol 26 No 1
The Artist's Lifestyle radio show on 93.3 FM CFMU, host Laura Hollick; out of McMaster University, Ontario
Local Artist’s Career Honored, by Kristen de Palma; Brock Press, Brock University; Jan 8, 2008.
Putting together retrospective 'quite a feat'..., by Lori Littleton; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ontario; Jan 4, 2008. Spectrum/ Entertainment, pages B1, B2.
Tobey C. Anderson, The New American Century Project; Member Profile: DISPATCH - The Newsletter of CARFAC Ontario - Volume 13, Issue 3, July 2007, pages 4-6.
Showing Conflict In A Different Light by Don Fraser; The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; Apr 25, 2007. pg: A1, A10
Anti-war art juxtaposes fallen soldiers, terrorists, civilians by Greg Burliuk; The Ticket, The Kingston Whig-Standard, Saturday, February 24, 2007, pages 1, 4-5.
The New American Century Project - Scratching the Surface: Media Wars by Tobey C. Anderson; Arts & Literary Publication III, Niagara Artists' Centre; 2006
ISBN 0-9732509-8-4 and ISBN 0-9688666-1-1
Rodman Hall Exhibits 45-Year Collection; by Eddie Chow; Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Jan 12, 2007. Pg 46.
CRAM, Staying Alive! And Hot Topics at the 2006 AGM & Conference in St. Catharines, by Adriana Alarcon; DISPATCH - The Newsletter of CARFAC Ontario, Volume 12, Issue 4,, Oct 2006
Artists In Residence by Mary Wiley; Niagara Magazine; May/June 2006.
A Tight Fit, Eddie Chow; Arts & Life – Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Vol 3. Issue 28, April 7, 2006. Pg 20.
CRAM gallery makes a dent in St. Catharines, Christine Forde; Culture – The Brock Press; Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario; March 14, 2006.
Tiny Space, Big Dreams, Lori Littleton; Spectrum Friday, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; March 3, 2006, B1.
A New Place To Hang – St. Catharines & Area Arts Council, Cathy Pelletier, Arts & Life, Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Friday, May 27, 2005, pg. 11.
Now Art and Taxes are Inevitable – New exhibit at City Hall adds some culture to paying your bills; Mathew Van Dongen, Spectrum Verve, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ont.; Apr 1, 2005, B1.
Mini Me; front page photo; The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; Friday, Oct 15, 2004, A1.
Keeping Their Egos Small; Artists' works in miniature on "World Tour" of Ontario towns after downtown exhibit; by Eric White; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ont., Spectrum, October 15, 2004, B1
The Lure of Niagara; feature article and cover; Niagara Life Magazine, Spring 2004.
The Seven Counties - A Tribute to President Norm Nielsen, Grant Wood's Young Corn, netfishers, students and teachers of Area Ten; interpretive brochure by Kayt Conrad, Arts & Humanities Dept., Kirkwood Community College; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; August 2003.
Tobey C. Anderson - The Journey Continues; Dalhousie Peer Magazine, St. Catharines, Ont.; Vol. 6 No 2, Feb 2002.
labyrinths, catalogue; introduction by Penelope Stewart, articles by John B. Boyle, Dave Gordon, poems by Alan Flint; co-published with Niagara Artists’ Company and Bierkart Inc.; Aug 2001
ISBN 0-9688666-0-3
Anderson’s labyrinths exhibition; The Examiner, Peterborough, Ont.; April 19, 2001, C8.
Standing avant-garde for Thee, Maria Maryniak; Downtowner, The Magazine for Contemporary Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; March/April 2001.
More Support for the Arts, letter to the editor, PULSE - Niagara’s Weekly Alternative; St. Catharines, Ont.; Feb 8, 2001, Vol. 15 No. 7; Paul Winston Smith letter, Mar 8, 2001, Vol. 15. No. 11.
Gone Fishing, Krista Campbell; PULSE-Niagara’s Weekly Alternative; St. Catharines; Nov 23, 2000, Vol 14 No 49.
A Labyrinth of Mysticism, Chris Waters; The Standard EXTRA; St. Catharines, Ont.; Nov 17, 2000, E5.
Spiritual Maze, Chris Waters; Spectrum verve, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ont.; Nov 3, 2000, B1.
The Influence of Tom Thomson, Culture Fix; The Globe and Mail; Toronto, Canada; Sep 1, 1999, D8.
The Mystery behind door number 22 at the Motel Gauguin; Dennis Tourbin Memorial Exhibition publication; Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario; June, 1998; 2nd Printing, NAC, 1999.
Art in the right place, Niagara artist Tobey Anderson, by Vince Rice; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ontario; May 29, 1997
The 'scene' sprouts; by Sean Condon; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ont.; spectrum D1; Feb 17,1995
Fiesta Cultural; exhibition catalogues; Worldwise International Awareness Centre - Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993, 1994.
Spiritual & Material Substance; contributing writer; What’s Up Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; Feb 94.
Bierk Means Business; contributing writer; What’s Up Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; Jan 94.
Skidding To Fame; by Sean Condon; The Standard, Spectrum section; St. Catharines, ON; Dec 11, 1993.
ROADKILL the video, by Skid Row; AVision Entertainment/Atlantic Recording; New York, NY; lazer disk/vid sleeve cover art; release date Nov 1,1993.
KOK 2T0, Dave Gordon exhibition catalogue; curator, editor; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993.
Talking History - Niagara Unpeeled; PARALLELOGRAMME; Toronto; Vol. 17 No 4, 1992.
An anguished cry; by Sean Condon; The Standard, Spectrum section; St. Catharines, Ontario; May, 1992.
NAC News; Niagara Artists’ Centre; St. Catharines, Ontario; editor of monthly newsletters; 1991-97.
FOUROSIX; Niagara Artists’ Centre; co-editor with Peter S. Wing; tabloid on the arts; 1990-91.
Confronting Cancer Through Art; Brand Library Art Galleries; Glendale, California; exhibition catalogue, Art That Heals, sponsored by Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA; 1987.
Iowa Artists Postcards 1982; Iowa Arts Council; Des Moines, Iowa; 1982.
REFLEXION SUR UN SENTIMENT RURAL; Centre Culturel Canadien; Paris, France; exhibition catalogue; organized by Artspace, Peterborough; 1980.
Reconstructing Futures; General Idea at Carmen Lamana Gallery; Toronto, Ontario; aerial photo documentation of burning pavilion; 1977.
Young Contemporaries ‘75 and Young Contemporaries ‘76; London Regional Art Galleries; London, Ontario; exhibition catalogues; 1975, 1976.
War Resisters Canada; by Kenneth Fred Emerick; Knox PA Free Press; 1970.
Artist Residency; Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (Nov 20 – Dec 30, 2011)
CRAM Press Director and Co-Founder with Alan Flint, 2010
Artist Residency; Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (April - May 2009)
Niagara Regional Hospital Art Committee, policy and program development; 2011-12.
Founder and Director, CRAM International – CRAM Collective and CRAM Gallery; CRAMplex, downtown St. Catharines, Ontario (est. Feb 2006)
CARFAC Ontario, Member
James Street Arts Cluster Project; Working Group and Building Sub Committee; St. Catharines and Area Arts Council, St. Catharines, Ontario (2004-06)
Selection Committee, Niagara Artists' Company, St. Catharines, Ont. (2004, 2005)
Strategic Planning Committee, Niagara Artists' Company, St. Catharines, Ont. (2004)
Culture Committee, Chairperson, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2001- 03)
Cultural Policy Development Committee, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (1999).
CANDU (Contemporary Arts Niagara Development Union), Niagara Artists’ Company, HRDC Project development (1994-98), Advisory Board (1997-99), Artist-At-Large (1999).
Artist Run Network; Treasurer (1995-96); ARCO Focus Group (1995- 97); NAC Representative (1995- 97); CARO Rep (1998).
Worldwise Int’l Awareness Centre – Niagara; Board member (1993- 98), Fiesta Cultural curator (1992-98).
Artist Run Centres Ontario (ARCO), NAC Rep (1991- 97); ANNPAC New Initiative Rep (1994).
Ontario Arts Council, Advisory Panels (1991, 1993, 1994, 1995).
The Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Advisory Panel (1997).
Government of Ontario - Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Recreation; Advisor (1995).
Association of National Non Profit Artist Centres (ANNPAC); ARCO Treasurer (1994), NAC Rep (1990-94), KAAI Rep (1976-79).
Performing Artists Niagara (PAN), St. Catharines, Ontario; Founding Board Member (1993-94).
LAICA, Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art; member (1987-90).
Installation Gallery, San Diego, California; member (1987-90).
Sushi Collective, San Diego, California; member (1987-90).
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego, California; Board Member & Publicity Coordinator (1987-89).
Iowa Arts Council, Des Moines, Iowa; Artists In Schools Program (1981-82).
Founding President, Kingston Artists Association (KAAI), Kingston, Ontario (1975-79).
President, Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1977-79).
Canadian Artists Representation Ontario (CARO), Kingston Regional Rep (1976-79), Board (1998).
CT-International Print Biennale, Co-Organizer with Alan Flint and Tamayo Zamora, Director - Taller Cultural, Santiago de Cuba, 2012-14.
Dennis Tourbin Retrospective; CRAM International venue; Rodman Hall Art Centre Lead Organization, 2011-12.
Graphik - International Print Event; CRAM International and Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo” co-organizers. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2011)
CRAM Press Co-Founder / Director; in collaboration with Alan Flint and José Armando Medina; CRAMplex, 24 James Street, St. Catharines, ON (est. 2010)
CRAM - Cuba Exchange Project; organized by Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo" - Santiago de Cuba and CRAM International; since 2008
CRAM Founder, Canada’s smallest art gallery; an artist collective dedicated to contemporary artists who live in Niagara or have strong ties to St. Catharines; launched Feb 2006.
The Alice Project: a comprehensive overview of the lifetime achievement of Alice Crawley, NAC Founding Member; with John B. Boyle, Carolyn Wren and Penelope Stewart; 1995 - present. “Alice Crawley: 50 Years of Art Making”; Retrospective exhibitions: Durham Art Gallery, Rodman Hall Art Centre & Niagara Artists’ Company, 2005; Grimsby Public Art Gallery, 2006.
The Mystery behind door number 22 at the Motel Gauguin; Dennis Tourbin memorial exhibition at Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario and print publication, Anti-Press, Hamilton; June 1998.
October Crisis - continuum, Dennis Tourbin exhibition; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1997.
Speechless, Alan Flint - word installations and artist bookwork; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1996-97.
breath, site-specific installation by Penelope Stewart; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1997.
Head Street Forest, mural project by John Davies; Niagara Artists’ Company and Quasi Café; 1996-97.
Women & Medicine, NAC; co-curators CE Wren and A Brannen; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1995/96.
Growth and Change; Greg Staats, photography exhibition & residency, NAC; St. Catharines, Ont.; 1995.
Fiesta Cultural; Worldwise International Awareness Centre - Niagara; Curator, Planning Committee; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.
In The Absence of Paradise, David Bierk; Rodman Hall and NAC; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1994.
KOK 2T0, Dave Gordon at NAC; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993.
Politics of Gender: Personal Mythologies; Niagara Artists' Centre; 1993.
NAC 22nd Anniversary; Niagara Artists' Co; project co-curators R. Reitzenstein & Carolyn Wren; 1992.
The Popular Fringe; music series; co-curator Michael D'Amico; Niagara Artists' Centre; 1991-93.
Niagara Short Film & Video Festival; co-curator Rob MacMorine, Niagara Artists' Centre; 1991, 93, 94.
The October Crisis Revisited by Dennis Tourbin; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ont.; 1991.
The October Crisis by Dennis Tourbin; St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1978.
Fringe Research at St. Lawrence College & SLAP; Kingston, Ontario; 1978.
SLAP (St. Lawrence Art Projection); an art hotel and meeting space; Kingston, Ontario; 1977-78.
Reconstructing Futures, the burning of the 1984 Miss General Idea Pageant Pavilion by General Idea; St. Lawrence College & SLAP; Kingston, Ontario; 1977.
An Investigation of Artist Run Centres: SAW, NAC & Artspace; St. Lawrence College - Kingston; 1975.
John B. Boyle at St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1975.
David Bierk at St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1974.
Director, CRAM International; CRAMplex, 24 James Street, St. Catharines, Canada (2006-present)
Co-Director, CRAM Press (2008-present)
Director, Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (1990-98)
Co-Director, Quasi Café and The Garage, St. Catharines, Ontario (1995-98)
Artistic Director, The Club, St. Catharines, Ontario (1993-95)
Chair, Creative Arts Department, St. Lawrence College; Graphic Arts, Fashion, Theater Arts, Fine Arts, Photography, Video, Ceramics, Jewelry Making, Adult Ed, Cont Ed; Kingston, Ontario (1975-79)
Fine Art Coordinator, Creative Arts Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1974-75)
Art Gallery Director, Creative Arts Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1973-74)
Summer Resource Person, Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto, Ontario (1974)
Foundation Studies Coordinator, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1972-74)
Teaching Master, Community Education Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1970-2)
Summer Arts Coordinator, Cont. Ed. Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1970-72)
Art Instructor, Laura Musser Art Gallery & Museum, Muscatine, Iowa (1968-69)
Cut & Run: Make Art Then Die; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2012)
The Lion and The Lamb*; Two-Person exhibition with Carolyn Wren; Galeria Universal, Santiago de Cuba, (March – April, 2011)
Carolyn Wren et Tobey C. Anderson - Souvenirs / Remembrances*; Two-Person exhibition: curated by Suzanne Presse; Galerie d'Art du Centre culturel, de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Quebéc (Jan 12 - March 6, 2011)
Facing Rembrandt; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2010)
The New American Century Project; Grimsby Public Art Gallery; Grimsby, Ontario (Jan - Mar 2010)
Reflections, Two-Person with Alan Flint, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario, (June 2009)
The New American Century - Selected Work from the Permanent Collection; Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University (2009)
The New American Century Project; St. Thomas Public Art Gallery; St. Thomas, Ontario (Nov 15, 2008 - Jan 11, 2009)
Portraits of The New American Century; Fountain Contemporary; 652A Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario (Oct 23 - Nov 2, 2008)
Trilogies: 33 Years of Painting by Tobey C. Anderson; curated by Marcie Bronson; Rodman Hall Art Centre at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (Dec 22, 2007- Feb 24, 2008)
DU Babies_The New American Century Project; galerie CRAM; St. Catharines, Ontario (Sep 2007)
The New American Century Project; Niagara Artists’ Centre; St. Catharines, Ontario (Apr 29 - Jun 30, 2007)
The New American Century Project; Modern Fuel Artist-run Centre; Kingston, Ontario (Feb 21 – Mar 31, 2007)
Scratching the Surface: Media Wars - The New American Century Project ; Dennis Tourbin Member’s Gallery, NAC, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Sweet Jesus Suite; CRAM Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Tobey C. Anderson - Selected Paintings; curated by Liz Bierk, Showcase Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario (2006)
New Work; Jordan Art Gallery, Jordan, Ontario (October, 2005)
Tsunami / Relief (storefront painting installation); Created City project, Downtown Business Assoc., St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Shock & Awe Trilogy: New York City, Jerusalem, Baghdad (storefront painting installation); Studio of Acceleration, St. Catharines (2004-05)
Night Vision Studies; storefront installation, Every Day Studio Shop, St. Catharines, Ontario (2004-05)
The Seven Counties... (permanent painting installation); Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, (2003)
labyrinths (painting installation); Bierkart / 383 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario (2001)
illumination; Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario - illuminated light box (2001-04)
labyrinths (painting installation); Niagara Artists' Company - Main Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (2000)
New Work; Dennis Tourbin Members Gallery, Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (2000)
Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario (1996, 1998)
Modern Fuel Gallery, KAAI, Kingston, Ontario (1996)
The Garage, St. Catharines, Ontario (1996)
Quasi Café, St. Catharines, Ontario (1995, 1996)
The Club, St. Catharines, Ontario (1994)
Workscene Gallery, with Dave Gordon, Toronto, Ontario (1993)
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, Ontario (1992)
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego, California (1989)
Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1976, 1979*, 1981)
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario (1981)
Vehicule Art, with Dave Gordon, Montréal, Quebéc (1977*)
St. Lawrence College Art Gallery, Kingston, Ontario (1975*)
CT-International Print Bienniale, Galeria Universal (touring): Santiago de Cuba, Jan 2013; Galeria Collage, Havana, Cuba, Feb 2013; CRAM International, St. Catharines, Canada,Mar 2013; St. Thomas public Art Centre, Canada, Aug 2013.
Graphik II; International Print Event – group exhibition; Galeria 313, Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2011 – Jan 2012)
The Littlest Print Exchange; International Touring, CRAM Gallery, St. Catharines, Ontario (Jan 2011)
Graphik I; International Print Event – group exhibition; Galeria 313, Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo”. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2010)
Penang International Print Exchange; international juried, Penang State Museum & Art Gallery, School of Arts, USM (Sep 2010)
The Best of CRAM, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario, Jan 2010
Dos Grupos de Siete (+2) - group exchange exhibitions; organized by CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario and Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (April-May 2009), Niagara Falls, Ontario (Oct 2009)
CRAM Collective Banner Project; St. Catharines Downtown Association (Oct 2008 - 2009)
New! 2008 Niagara Biennial; Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (September 18 - December 30, 2008)
Snapshots; Capital Campaign fundraiser; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (Sept 2007)
Strutt - 7th Annual Wearable Art Show; Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
45 Years of Collecting: Selections from the Permanent Collection, curated by Marcie Bronson; Rodman Hall Arts Centre – Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Art Against War; Don Monet, Jamelie Hassan, Ron Benner Coordinators; Cube Gallery; Ottawa, Canada (2006)
Map – Quest; Studio of Acceleration - group project; Dennis Tourbin Members Gallery; Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
The Dirty Show; (Margaret Dragu, Juror); Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
CRAM Collective Inaugural Show, CRAM International, St. Catharines, Ontario (2006)
Garden/City: Views of St. Catharines (juried); Public Art Advisory Committee, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Selections from the Permanent Collection; Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Niagara Ego Exposition Miniature Show (touring); Niagara Artists' Company (2004-2005)
Lilli-Putting; site-specific miniature golf installation; Niagara Artists' Company (2003)
On The Twelve – Niagara Region Juried Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2002)
Spring Run, organized by Niagara Artists’ Company & Lynnwood Arts Centre, Simcoe, Ontario (2001), Timber Village Museum Art Gallery, Blind River, Ontario (2001); St. Catharines Downtown Storefront project (2002); St. Catharines Public Library (2002)
Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario (2001)
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, Owen Sound, Ontario - Joyce Wieland, John B. Boyle, David Bierk, Panya Clark, Dennis Tourbin, Dave Gordon, General Idea, Tobey C. Anderson (1999)
Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (1980, 1990, 1992, 1996)
Modern Fuel Gallery/KAAI, Kingston, Ontario (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1995)
Grimsby Public Art Gallery – Regional Juried Show, Grimsby, Ontario (1991)
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego California (1987, 1988)
Confronting Cancer Through Art; Brand Library Art Galleries, Glendale, California (1987)
Iowa Artists Postcards; Iowa Arts Council, Des Moines, IA (1983)
Reflecting a Rural Consciousness; organized by Artspace; The Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris, France (1980)
Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1976, 1977, 1978)
SAW Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario (1978)
White Water Gallery, North Bay, Ontario (1978)
Harbourfront Gallery, Toronto, Ontario (1978)
Brampton Public Art Gallery, Brampton, Ontario (1978)
Hallwalls, Buffalo, New York (1978)
Boston Visual Artists’ Union, Boston, Mass (1977)
Saidye Bronfman Centre, Montréal, Quebéc (1976, 1978)
London Regional Art Galleries, London, Ontario (1975, 1976)
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, Ontario (1972, 1974, 1975, 1976)
Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina Saskatchewan (1976)
Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta (1976)
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, British Columbia (1976)
Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, New Brunswick (1976)
Confederation Centre for the Arts, Charlottetown, P.E.I. (1976)
St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1974, 1977)
Plug In Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba (1976)
The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg (1976)
National Print & Drawing Exhibition (juried); The University of Illinois, Decalb, Illinois (1969)
Gadra Enterprises Inc
Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduaro", Santiago de Cuba
Penang State Museum & Art Gallery, School of Arts, USM
Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre - Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
Kirkwood Community College Foundation, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Bierkart Foundation
Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
St. Thomas - Elgin Public Art Gallery, St. Thomas, Ontario
Tancho Investments Ltd., Kingston, Ontario
Peter Blaney & Sari Cross, Kingston, Ontario
J.G. Abrams, Toronto, Ontario
Sir Winton Churchill High School, St. Catharines, Ontario
Queen Elizabeth Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Kingston, Ontario
Niagara Artists’ Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario
Ontario Arts Council, International Residency Grant (2011-12)
Ontario Arts Council, Visual Arts Mid Career Grant (2007)
Ontario Arts Council, Exhibition Assistance Grants
2005 Trillium Award for Artistic Excellence, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2005)
Volunteer Recognition Award - Culture, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2003)
Award of Merit, St. Catharines and Region Arts Council (2003)
1st Award, On The Twelve – Niagara Juried Exhibition, Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines (2002)
Ontario Arts Council, Individual Artist Grant (1980, 1992)
First Award, Regional Juried Exhibition, Grimsby Public Art Gallery (1991)
Iowa Arts Council, Artists In Schools project grant (1981)
Ontario Arts Council, Artists In Schools project grant (1980)
Purchase Award, Spring Show, Agnes Etherington Art Centre (1975)
John Boyle 1972 Nickle Award, Agnes Etherington Art Centre (1974)
Trinities: 33 Years of Painting, exhibition catalogue; introduction by Marcie Bronson, essay by Carolyn Wren; published by Rodman Hall Art Centre - Brock University; 2012
ISBN 978-0-9864955-6-4
The Lion and The Lamb; Galeria Universal; Santiago de Cuba (March – April, 2011) exhibition brochure with essay by Carolyn Wren, English translation by Iliana Ponce; CRAM International ISBN
Carolyn Wren et Tobey C. Anderson - Souvenirs / Remembrances; curated by Suzanne Presse; Galerie d'Art du Centre culturel, de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Quebéc (Jan 12 - March 6, 2011)
ISBN 978-2-7622-0192-5
Faces of the Fallen - Soldiers killed in action focus of GPAG exhibit, Scott Rosts; Niagara This Week; Mar 4, 2010
PRECIPICe, back cover illustration, editors: Gregory Betts, Adam Dickson, Mathew Martin; English Language and Literature, Brock University; Vol 16 Issue 2, 2010
The New American Century Project, exhibition catalogue, essays by Hayden Booth, and R.H. MacDonald, introduction by Rhona Wenger, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Jan 2010
ISBN 978-0-9780375-9-8
Dos Grupos de Siete (+2), exhibition catalogue, introduction by Tobey C. Anderson, essays by Steve Remus and Bandaranaike Torres Viltres; CRAM International, 2009
ISBN 978-0-9780375-7-4
The New American Century Project, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Canadian Art, Preview - Ontario; Spring 2009, Vol 26 No 1
The Artist's Lifestyle radio show on 93.3 FM CFMU, host Laura Hollick; out of McMaster University, Ontario
Local Artist’s Career Honored, by Kristen de Palma; Brock Press, Brock University; Jan 8, 2008.
Putting together retrospective 'quite a feat'..., by Lori Littleton; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ontario; Jan 4, 2008. Spectrum/ Entertainment, pages B1, B2.
Tobey C. Anderson, The New American Century Project; Member Profile: DISPATCH - The Newsletter of CARFAC Ontario - Volume 13, Issue 3, July 2007, pages 4-6.
Showing Conflict In A Different Light by Don Fraser; The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; Apr 25, 2007. pg: A1, A10
Anti-war art juxtaposes fallen soldiers, terrorists, civilians by Greg Burliuk; The Ticket, The Kingston Whig-Standard, Saturday, February 24, 2007, pages 1, 4-5.
The New American Century Project - Scratching the Surface: Media Wars by Tobey C. Anderson; Arts & Literary Publication III, Niagara Artists' Centre; 2006
ISBN 0-9732509-8-4 and ISBN 0-9688666-1-1
Rodman Hall Exhibits 45-Year Collection; by Eddie Chow; Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Jan 12, 2007. Pg 46.
CRAM, Staying Alive! And Hot Topics at the 2006 AGM & Conference in St. Catharines, by Adriana Alarcon; DISPATCH - The Newsletter of CARFAC Ontario, Volume 12, Issue 4,, Oct 2006
Artists In Residence by Mary Wiley; Niagara Magazine; May/June 2006.
A Tight Fit, Eddie Chow; Arts & Life – Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Vol 3. Issue 28, April 7, 2006. Pg 20.
CRAM gallery makes a dent in St. Catharines, Christine Forde; Culture – The Brock Press; Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario; March 14, 2006.
Tiny Space, Big Dreams, Lori Littleton; Spectrum Friday, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; March 3, 2006, B1.
A New Place To Hang – St. Catharines & Area Arts Council, Cathy Pelletier, Arts & Life, Niagara This Week; Thorold, Ontario; Friday, May 27, 2005, pg. 11.
Now Art and Taxes are Inevitable – New exhibit at City Hall adds some culture to paying your bills; Mathew Van Dongen, Spectrum Verve, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ont.; Apr 1, 2005, B1.
Mini Me; front page photo; The Standard; St. Catharines, Ontario; Friday, Oct 15, 2004, A1.
Keeping Their Egos Small; Artists' works in miniature on "World Tour" of Ontario towns after downtown exhibit; by Eric White; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ont., Spectrum, October 15, 2004, B1
The Lure of Niagara; feature article and cover; Niagara Life Magazine, Spring 2004.
The Seven Counties - A Tribute to President Norm Nielsen, Grant Wood's Young Corn, netfishers, students and teachers of Area Ten; interpretive brochure by Kayt Conrad, Arts & Humanities Dept., Kirkwood Community College; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; August 2003.
Tobey C. Anderson - The Journey Continues; Dalhousie Peer Magazine, St. Catharines, Ont.; Vol. 6 No 2, Feb 2002.
labyrinths, catalogue; introduction by Penelope Stewart, articles by John B. Boyle, Dave Gordon, poems by Alan Flint; co-published with Niagara Artists’ Company and Bierkart Inc.; Aug 2001
ISBN 0-9688666-0-3
Anderson’s labyrinths exhibition; The Examiner, Peterborough, Ont.; April 19, 2001, C8.
Standing avant-garde for Thee, Maria Maryniak; Downtowner, The Magazine for Contemporary Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; March/April 2001.
More Support for the Arts, letter to the editor, PULSE - Niagara’s Weekly Alternative; St. Catharines, Ont.; Feb 8, 2001, Vol. 15 No. 7; Paul Winston Smith letter, Mar 8, 2001, Vol. 15. No. 11.
Gone Fishing, Krista Campbell; PULSE-Niagara’s Weekly Alternative; St. Catharines; Nov 23, 2000, Vol 14 No 49.
A Labyrinth of Mysticism, Chris Waters; The Standard EXTRA; St. Catharines, Ont.; Nov 17, 2000, E5.
Spiritual Maze, Chris Waters; Spectrum verve, The Standard; St. Catharines, Ont.; Nov 3, 2000, B1.
The Influence of Tom Thomson, Culture Fix; The Globe and Mail; Toronto, Canada; Sep 1, 1999, D8.
The Mystery behind door number 22 at the Motel Gauguin; Dennis Tourbin Memorial Exhibition publication; Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario; June, 1998; 2nd Printing, NAC, 1999.
Art in the right place, Niagara artist Tobey Anderson, by Vince Rice; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ontario; May 29, 1997
The 'scene' sprouts; by Sean Condon; The Standard, St. Catharines, Ont.; spectrum D1; Feb 17,1995
Fiesta Cultural; exhibition catalogues; Worldwise International Awareness Centre - Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993, 1994.
Spiritual & Material Substance; contributing writer; What’s Up Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; Feb 94.
Bierk Means Business; contributing writer; What’s Up Niagara; St. Catharines, Ontario; Jan 94.
Skidding To Fame; by Sean Condon; The Standard, Spectrum section; St. Catharines, ON; Dec 11, 1993.
ROADKILL the video, by Skid Row; AVision Entertainment/Atlantic Recording; New York, NY; lazer disk/vid sleeve cover art; release date Nov 1,1993.
KOK 2T0, Dave Gordon exhibition catalogue; curator, editor; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993.
Talking History - Niagara Unpeeled; PARALLELOGRAMME; Toronto; Vol. 17 No 4, 1992.
An anguished cry; by Sean Condon; The Standard, Spectrum section; St. Catharines, Ontario; May, 1992.
NAC News; Niagara Artists’ Centre; St. Catharines, Ontario; editor of monthly newsletters; 1991-97.
FOUROSIX; Niagara Artists’ Centre; co-editor with Peter S. Wing; tabloid on the arts; 1990-91.
Confronting Cancer Through Art; Brand Library Art Galleries; Glendale, California; exhibition catalogue, Art That Heals, sponsored by Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA; 1987.
Iowa Artists Postcards 1982; Iowa Arts Council; Des Moines, Iowa; 1982.
REFLEXION SUR UN SENTIMENT RURAL; Centre Culturel Canadien; Paris, France; exhibition catalogue; organized by Artspace, Peterborough; 1980.
Reconstructing Futures; General Idea at Carmen Lamana Gallery; Toronto, Ontario; aerial photo documentation of burning pavilion; 1977.
Young Contemporaries ‘75 and Young Contemporaries ‘76; London Regional Art Galleries; London, Ontario; exhibition catalogues; 1975, 1976.
War Resisters Canada; by Kenneth Fred Emerick; Knox PA Free Press; 1970.
Artist Residency; Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (Nov 20 – Dec 30, 2011)
CRAM Press Director and Co-Founder with Alan Flint, 2010
Artist Residency; Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo", Santiago de Cuba (April - May 2009)
Niagara Regional Hospital Art Committee, policy and program development; 2011-12.
Founder and Director, CRAM International – CRAM Collective and CRAM Gallery; CRAMplex, downtown St. Catharines, Ontario (est. Feb 2006)
CARFAC Ontario, Member
James Street Arts Cluster Project; Working Group and Building Sub Committee; St. Catharines and Area Arts Council, St. Catharines, Ontario (2004-06)
Selection Committee, Niagara Artists' Company, St. Catharines, Ont. (2004, 2005)
Strategic Planning Committee, Niagara Artists' Company, St. Catharines, Ont. (2004)
Culture Committee, Chairperson, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (2001- 03)
Cultural Policy Development Committee, City of St. Catharines, Ontario (1999).
CANDU (Contemporary Arts Niagara Development Union), Niagara Artists’ Company, HRDC Project development (1994-98), Advisory Board (1997-99), Artist-At-Large (1999).
Artist Run Network; Treasurer (1995-96); ARCO Focus Group (1995- 97); NAC Representative (1995- 97); CARO Rep (1998).
Worldwise Int’l Awareness Centre – Niagara; Board member (1993- 98), Fiesta Cultural curator (1992-98).
Artist Run Centres Ontario (ARCO), NAC Rep (1991- 97); ANNPAC New Initiative Rep (1994).
Ontario Arts Council, Advisory Panels (1991, 1993, 1994, 1995).
The Canada Council for the Arts, Visual Arts Advisory Panel (1997).
Government of Ontario - Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Recreation; Advisor (1995).
Association of National Non Profit Artist Centres (ANNPAC); ARCO Treasurer (1994), NAC Rep (1990-94), KAAI Rep (1976-79).
Performing Artists Niagara (PAN), St. Catharines, Ontario; Founding Board Member (1993-94).
LAICA, Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art; member (1987-90).
Installation Gallery, San Diego, California; member (1987-90).
Sushi Collective, San Diego, California; member (1987-90).
Spectrum Gallery, San Diego, California; Board Member & Publicity Coordinator (1987-89).
Iowa Arts Council, Des Moines, Iowa; Artists In Schools Program (1981-82).
Founding President, Kingston Artists Association (KAAI), Kingston, Ontario (1975-79).
President, Artspace, Peterborough, Ontario (1977-79).
Canadian Artists Representation Ontario (CARO), Kingston Regional Rep (1976-79), Board (1998).
CT-International Print Biennale, Co-Organizer with Alan Flint and Tamayo Zamora, Director - Taller Cultural, Santiago de Cuba, 2012-14.
Dennis Tourbin Retrospective; CRAM International venue; Rodman Hall Art Centre Lead Organization, 2011-12.
Graphik - International Print Event; CRAM International and Taller Cultural “Luis Diaz Oduardo” co-organizers. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (Dec 2011)
CRAM Press Co-Founder / Director; in collaboration with Alan Flint and José Armando Medina; CRAMplex, 24 James Street, St. Catharines, ON (est. 2010)
CRAM - Cuba Exchange Project; organized by Taller Cultural "Luis Diaz Oduardo" - Santiago de Cuba and CRAM International; since 2008
CRAM Founder, Canada’s smallest art gallery; an artist collective dedicated to contemporary artists who live in Niagara or have strong ties to St. Catharines; launched Feb 2006.
The Alice Project: a comprehensive overview of the lifetime achievement of Alice Crawley, NAC Founding Member; with John B. Boyle, Carolyn Wren and Penelope Stewart; 1995 - present. “Alice Crawley: 50 Years of Art Making”; Retrospective exhibitions: Durham Art Gallery, Rodman Hall Art Centre & Niagara Artists’ Company, 2005; Grimsby Public Art Gallery, 2006.
The Mystery behind door number 22 at the Motel Gauguin; Dennis Tourbin memorial exhibition at Uptown Studios, St. Catharines, Ontario and print publication, Anti-Press, Hamilton; June 1998.
October Crisis - continuum, Dennis Tourbin exhibition; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1997.
Speechless, Alan Flint - word installations and artist bookwork; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1996-97.
breath, site-specific installation by Penelope Stewart; Niagara Artists’ Company; 1997.
Head Street Forest, mural project by John Davies; Niagara Artists’ Company and Quasi Café; 1996-97.
Women & Medicine, NAC; co-curators CE Wren and A Brannen; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1995/96.
Growth and Change; Greg Staats, photography exhibition & residency, NAC; St. Catharines, Ont.; 1995.
Fiesta Cultural; Worldwise International Awareness Centre - Niagara; Curator, Planning Committee; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.
In The Absence of Paradise, David Bierk; Rodman Hall and NAC; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1994.
KOK 2T0, Dave Gordon at NAC; St. Catharines, Ontario; 1993.
Politics of Gender: Personal Mythologies; Niagara Artists' Centre; 1993.
NAC 22nd Anniversary; Niagara Artists' Co; project co-curators R. Reitzenstein & Carolyn Wren; 1992.
The Popular Fringe; music series; co-curator Michael D'Amico; Niagara Artists' Centre; 1991-93.
Niagara Short Film & Video Festival; co-curator Rob MacMorine, Niagara Artists' Centre; 1991, 93, 94.
The October Crisis Revisited by Dennis Tourbin; Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ont.; 1991.
The October Crisis by Dennis Tourbin; St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1978.
Fringe Research at St. Lawrence College & SLAP; Kingston, Ontario; 1978.
SLAP (St. Lawrence Art Projection); an art hotel and meeting space; Kingston, Ontario; 1977-78.
Reconstructing Futures, the burning of the 1984 Miss General Idea Pageant Pavilion by General Idea; St. Lawrence College & SLAP; Kingston, Ontario; 1977.
An Investigation of Artist Run Centres: SAW, NAC & Artspace; St. Lawrence College - Kingston; 1975.
John B. Boyle at St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1975.
David Bierk at St. Lawrence College; Kingston, Ontario; 1974.
Director, CRAM International; CRAMplex, 24 James Street, St. Catharines, Canada (2006-present)
Co-Director, CRAM Press (2008-present)
Director, Niagara Artists’ Company, St. Catharines, Ontario (1990-98)
Co-Director, Quasi Café and The Garage, St. Catharines, Ontario (1995-98)
Artistic Director, The Club, St. Catharines, Ontario (1993-95)
Chair, Creative Arts Department, St. Lawrence College; Graphic Arts, Fashion, Theater Arts, Fine Arts, Photography, Video, Ceramics, Jewelry Making, Adult Ed, Cont Ed; Kingston, Ontario (1975-79)
Fine Art Coordinator, Creative Arts Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1974-75)
Art Gallery Director, Creative Arts Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1973-74)
Summer Resource Person, Ontario Ministry of Education, Toronto, Ontario (1974)
Foundation Studies Coordinator, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1972-74)
Teaching Master, Community Education Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario (1970-2)
Summer Arts Coordinator, Cont. Ed. Dept., St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ont. (1970-72)
Art Instructor, Laura Musser Art Gallery & Museum, Muscatine, Iowa (1968-69)